Wednesday, January 10, 2007

as usual, what boring lessons like OM do to us. =p

^ this is the lamest one.. from dot to biggest dot. -.-"

^ my creation. LOL`

^ the best thing is the gladys face. =p

went west mall for lunch after tutorial.
2 hours break always make us travel out of school.

^ the disgusting mixture of leftovers by mr su zhi wei.

then they came over to my house.
i went home to get money & change my bottom.

while on the way to interchange...
gave a 2nd & last try to ask for a "5-seater" cab.
and a malay uncle accepted us. ((:

^ fion was trying to hide away. seriously, you cant see her from outside. =p

4 hours of lecture was next.
i actually felt asleep during IEF! faints*

went over cck to rot while waiting for the rest to arrive.
ALL of them were late okay.
but at least, there was a nice place called the library for me to slack. =p

went kbox.
to "celebrate" our army boy no.1`s entry into NS this saturday.
^ all the best, guan zhong, and take care loads!
let`s have a photo of him weeks later, shall we? =p

^ room for 10.

first time i didnt touch the remote control at all can. LOL
paid to drink & see everyone enjoy themselves.

then they went dont-know-which-pub after that.
and i`m home.
8am class tml, i need to rest.