- jun: hahah i know. but my sense of direction really sucks; with or without the poles. anyways, it isn`t a new car. 3 years old already. and i learning really hard to not stall the engine anymore. (:
- jul: lol` how come your dad will see you park eh? hahaha but i`m driving an old your-first-love. dont hate me lah.. i`ll let you drive it too some day when my dad allows. okay? =D
- raisa: i haven`t take! but here`s one for you to see...
for my darling..
that`s my boy before we bought it.

i realised i haven`t took any photos of him yet.
and seriously, i have seen alot of his twins ard the island! (:
had a tedious driving lesson with dardy again this morning.
got nagged till i was really demoralized.
he kept saying i act like an L-plate driver instead of a P-plate one.
YG AGM 2oo8.
nothing really special.
just feeling a little more stress.
and the highlight of the day is..

granny`s 82nd birthday celebration

granny`s 82nd birthday celebration
waiting for photos from couz.
then i`ll select a few nice ones to post. (:
played mahjong with my dragon couzs & couz-in-law.
i won quite abit in the beginning but then lost them again.
i suppose that was beginner's luck?
because i totally didn`t know what i was doing.
luckily i had a few shifus ard to help me..
all in all,
i maintained the amount of money dardy threw on the table for me to play.
after that,
drove home from jurong west again.
vroom vroom;
and i like that feeling.
at least i was much smoother compared to the morning drive.
but i`ve got to admit..
dardy did the parking.
i will learn.
just give me a little more time.
a tip from me.. Ok la i not that pro but at least i'm am 'older' driver than u.. Got my lic for 1 year+ and drove about 10kinds of cars before.. Use the clutch more! Haha.. U can step the clutch when u feel like it or when u slow down.. So the car wun stall.. Those skills learnt from driving lessons dun apply to 'real' driving anymore.. U dun need to gear down from 4 to 3 to 2 before stopping.. Haha.. Mayb u cant do that in front of ur dad.. But when u are driving alone, u can just step the clutch and brake and change it to neutral gear.. Oh ya.. Wan play mahjong can play with me online! Can train online.. Haha.. U wan then msg me on my msn la.. My email is hellis_heaven@hotmail.com..
WOHOHO! bring ur boy to work someday lei. we shall split the parking cost and the petrol cost. i dont mind. teehees (:
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