- jul: hehe, maybe only applies to my family lah. i will wish you again when it comes! (:
- jun: haha alrights. that is kinda spooky too! i suppose you only see me during ban qis right? but, you can stay anonymous for as long as you want.. lol`
12th batch MFB graduates

MFB graduation class early in the morning.
which explains why the alarm clock has to ring that early,
despite being on afternoon shift.

MFB graduation class early in the morning.
which explains why the alarm clock has to ring that early,
despite being on afternoon shift.
a little wait probably caused some hidden conflicts.
i know everyone`s got their shortcomings..
probably if we`re able to communicate these openly,
or if we, as friends, can accept other`s shortcomings,
everything will be more beautiful..
i admit i wasn`t happy because i live in my own set of principles..
but i think it was explainable & i don`t see any wrong in being so.
it kinda subsided after some whinings & it`s all gone, really..
sorry jo if we made you feel uncomfortable.
i can put myself in your shoes but afterall, it`s just a girl thing to whine.. (:
i know everyone`s got their shortcomings..
probably if we`re able to communicate these openly,
or if we, as friends, can accept other`s shortcomings,
everything will be more beautiful..
i admit i wasn`t happy because i live in my own set of principles..
but i think it was explainable & i don`t see any wrong in being so.
it kinda subsided after some whinings & it`s all gone, really..
sorry jo if we made you feel uncomfortable.
i can put myself in your shoes but afterall, it`s just a girl thing to whine.. (:
and tsktsktsk..
i was offered money for my belated birthday present.
though i was kinda forced to accept it,
thanks alot, darlings..
for giving me additional $45 to spend.
saves me the trip to the ATM machines for at least a week i hope.. (:
rushed down to work after the scrumptious lunch at TG.
i fell asleep on an alien bus to the airport.
but luckily, my body has an automatic alarm clock,
which made me open my eyes as soon as the bus reached T3. (:
work was pretty boring, as usual..
until DTM timothy called & get us to learn through observation on grounds.
he came out with alot of feedbacks and comments,
and i realised things that i never would have..
last 4 working days.
it`s a countdown & i`m seeing freedom! (:
how i wish i could break into your dreams,
just like how you break into mine..
just like how you break into mine..
haha.. not every ban qi ba.. i nv seen u in dazhongban or qingkouban before.. see how ba.. maybe 2nd sunday of cny the annual lao yu sheng? and u graduated from mfb! my sis same batch as u too.. err.. ur friend yin mei noe me.. maybe u could ask her..
knsss, so fast holidays!
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