- gla: HAHA! dont talk like that scary uncle leh. like got gold in his mouth until after you alight. faints* and you are the one who is not RATIONAL, fancy taking 61 to eunos. =p
being dispersal for chingay parades ain`t fun at all.
placed at the last station of all duties,
it explains why we have to catch the last train home.
whats more, we don`t get to watch the parade at all! ):
i still prefer being crowd control like last year.
oh wells, one more day to go.
damn damn pretty.
damn damn pretty.
got home past midnight,
and my lovely mommy prepared supper for me.
because i called home to complain of hunger earlier on.
heh, damn sinful.
chingay photos shall be up tmr or something.
for now, a little update over the chalet...
my cousins were damn cute.
they were afraid they couldn`t get the chalet.
so both of them went to apply for it.
in the end, both got it and hence, we got two big bungalows!
kinda wasted cos we only used one..

the busy one..

the empty one..

the routine thing to do other than mahjong..


staying up late and sinful suppers..
cousin brought chloe over,
klein woke up too and made the whole house very lively.

my cute nephew & niece..
went out to buy breakfast on cousin`s bumpy car.
i couldn`t drive because my license & P-plate wasn`t around.
went karaoke after that.
very cheap for us students too..
$8 for 3 hours.

the room was good, much much better (compared to kbox & partyworld)..
the songs were quite new too. (:
followed by arcade..

and then, bowling..

basically just slacked around until night time.
psycho-ed ah yong to stay with us.
then we went for a night walk..

posers. HAHAHA

and some night shots.
i want a camera too!! ):
slept quite early that night.
woke up the next morning, washed up, and checked out.

waiting for the shuttle bus,
and home sweet home. (:
♫ 爱爱爱爱了几回, 也明白其中滋味.
我却还在等待着, 谁能出现.. ♫
我却还在等待着, 谁能出现.. ♫
how come u every yr can help out in chingay de?? O.O i also wan leh! HAHA!! =x
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