Wednesday, September 12, 2007


  • ding: *hugs*
  • jo: but it`s cloth type de top. LOL nvm got chance i show you. teehee*


work has been fun.
but working + traveling hours are really draining me out.
and i wished i had a foot massager now.
standing & walking around in heels ain`t comfy at all.

oh well.
stationed at 3 different places allowed me to learn quite alot.
still, alot of familiarization to be made around the terminals.
by the end of 3 weeks, hope i can know the place inside out.
fat hope! LOL`

enough about work.
got dozen more to whine about but well..
i shall not flood my entire entry. (:

met up with my beloved lovelies lesbies ytd!
i knocked off a little earlier but still kinda late when i met them.

100 over peeks in the folder.
but i`m really too lazy to edit and compile.
so yup, here`s a few to share..

we had dinner @ NYDC.
gave darling ting a little belated birthday surprise.

took photo on her polaroid camera.

because memories fade but a photograph lasts a lifetime..

got really amazed by this thing at BORDERS.

i know i`m such a sua gu. LOL`

that`s my DAZ meet-up for september.

loves many many*

one more weeky. (:


Anonymous said...

hey, may i noe whr did u rebond ur hair and how much did it cost? was the effect gd? thks (: