Sunday, September 23, 2007


  • jo: i cant decide whether want go work anot leh!
    maybe i should hor? rather than rotting at home. HEEE*


so i spent my saturday watching shows.
mobtv & youtube enough to keep me occupied. (:
but i guess i`d still prefer to go work or go out.. LOL

NUS episode of...

the 5 available episodes of...

i like the show cos it`s a little alike to TVB dramas..
but of cos, a more Singapore-style one.

first episode of...

because it`s the only one available as of now.
wu zhun is damn gorgeous (looking) lah! LOL`


and then, it`s the Vegetarian Food Fair thingy at tian hui today.
went to help out in the morning.
supposed to be shift from 9am - 12pm but most of us did OT.
of course we are not paid, but it was hell lots of fun. (:

our kampong stall sells all kinds of food.
otah, satay, asam fish, zhui kueh, ang ku kueh, home-made chilli, rojak, tahu goreng..

but well,
the morning started off with a super heavy rain.
and then the afternoon was duper hot like nothing else matters.
were all sweating like hell especially when in the sarong. LOL`

overall, sales was good.
the fun part was when we bring the food out,
and then shout & ley-long our products in the crowd.
like please, all the youths from different stalls were crazy can.
and if you notice, there were really mountains of people. LOL`

it`s monday again.
6 more days to my next weekend.

bedtime soon.


REYNA*爱♥ said...

LOL! ley-long~ BUT HOR the satay ex siahx. so little piece of "meat" cost 1buck lehx!!! so bu hua suan! keke =X

Anonymous said...

HaHA! calvin calvin calvin!! xD
wheee~~~ *went gaga alr* omg omg omg~~ xD

Anonymous said...

whaoz ..yesterday was a damm tiring day ! but it was fun ! haha! take care =)