Friday, September 07, 2007

additional member.

my niece.. (:
i don`t know her name though.. =x

we had this STAR Orientation programme today.
it was like any other service workshop lah.
but well, something we had to go through.
so yup, just tried to enjoy as much as possible. (:

have been introducing myself with this name..

sometimes even i find it funny.
and with heng keep calling it zippy, like THANKS eh. LOL

some of the T2 CYA Interns started work today.
and they saw xiao zhu !

omg omg omg omg omg..
i also wanna see him lah !!
* pouts & continue whining like chanting a mantra *

hey, i wasn`t the only one okays..
kok was whining about that too. =p
i wished i was at terminal 2 too.. CRIES*

oh well..
enough of whining over lunch already anyways..

and yea, the lefties were preparing for christmas party! =x

we had a mini amazing race thingy just before we ended.
won`t have me in the peeks as i was the lousy photographer. (:

alrightys, just wanted to show how many peeks we took.

we thought we were very fast already.
but apparently, we were not.
instead, we were like the 2nd last to finish. -.-"

well well..
all in all, i still hearts my group. (:

group name:
members (from top to bottom, left to right) :
Telvin: SHATEC CYA Intern
Mark: SIA Trainee Station Manager
Ziddy: me, like duhs..
Rin: the familiar face around =p
Candy: part-timer for Bee Cheng Hiang from TP
Nurul: another NP CYA Intern like us

the kiddy cute cartoon logo..

it will be at the front of our vests...

and then,
here comes the long awaited weekends !
another 21 weeks to go... (:


REYNA*爱♥ said...

the baby so CUTE!!!!
XIAO ZHU siahx!!!!! OMGGG!!!