Tuesday, October 30, 2007

  • zz: i think you are the noob one loh. nobody else is complaining.. LOL
  • jasmine: hehe` true hor.. i shall be grateful then. =D
  • ferlyna: i hope so too man.. free taxi i also dont mind. but no leh, gotta chiong last train & pray hard there will still be train home when i reach jurong loh. ):
  • keaiigal: that`s cool. you can actually recognise them. hahah`
  • rin: yay! i can`t wait. STARS!! and something on the 20th. teehee*


have been seeing some artistes around.
don`t know whether to call them big shots or small fries.
  • yesterday: moses lim (he`s really big-sized man..)
  • today: jack neo (film director eh! but he dressed like a small kid..)
LOL, okay i`m mean.. =X

and we should enjoy tmr.
last day with the JetQuay CSOs as well as office hours worktime.
and also before heng leaves us to be in his anti-social circle..

my usemore friends..
who cannot stop pairing me up with every possible guy.. -.-"

attended MFB at night.
with my duper splitting headache.
the feeling just sucks so much i wanna crack my head open.
and, benjamin`s really funny. he makes me wanna ROFL. =p

time to go do the schedule thingy for the rest.
i earn free sugar rolls from that!

♫ 说不遗憾是骗人的
那些爱与不爱还在整理着.. ♫


FeRLyNa said...

ehh.airport earn so much.shld be can claim taxi fare ba.den hor,i think JE last train is 12.15am lyk tat.

Anonymous said...

i really think zz is darn funny la! LOL. in the sense he's whining that your blog is noob. crazy fellow! nice blogskin though. he cockeye.

Anonymous said...

hey hey..
take good care woah ..
i also have headache most of the time..but try to rest more yeah ...
the best is sleep early..heehee..=D

REYNA*爱♥ said...

WOOT! i also wan sugar roll =DDD

Anonymous said...

wei.. at least those guys are not bad looking what... except for jin kai! LOLS. ur fav one right....