Tuesday, October 09, 2007

  • jo & fion: i will, thanks. =p
  • lly: yea i did. had an xml file for all my templates.
    thats why i thought i had one for this too when i actually didn`t. lol`
    hmm, i dont really like tagboards. not much use. (:


it`s the starting of the week.
one dramatic change in the counters is the taking over.

P-Serv took over the arrivals, east, and central south counters.
quite an ugly sight actually to see like 6 CSOs behind that tiny counters.
and there`re a few yaya papaya peeps acting boss. yuck*

but well, i know all these shouldn`t bother me..
just that, i`m starting to miss the previous batch of JetQuay CSOs.
by end of the month, i wonder where all the fun is going to come from.. ):

a super happening day at west counter today.
enjoying our last few weeks with the lovely CSOs. (x

we saw jackie chan today!
he was running while waving at us.
so fast that nobody got a shot of him lah.

not really a fan of his but who cares?
he`s a HOLLYWOOD STAR leh. =p

after that,
the whole counter went a little gaga over this cute australian guy.

i think the wrongest thing maya said was:
----" ... provide extra service... "

the guy went like..
----" ... are you serious? "

then we all took a photo with him..

and he`s duper tall. =p

after that, a cute toddler appeared near the counter.
went over to play with him for abit.

he was super hyperactive blabbering non-stop in his baby language.

heng, rin, alexis & me. (:

oh yah.
and the best joke of the day.
all because of parallax error, i pressed $1000 instead of cash withdrawal.

me & heng were both laughing non-stop,
at how stupid i am & till our tummy ached.

tadah! crazy shit..

so walked all the way from T1 transit to T2 public..
just to get that stack of notes back into my bank.

oh yes.
daddy is back from india !
but well, i don`t think i was expecting any gifts anyways.

more fun tmr?
i wish. (x


LLY said...

did ur dad came back with a red dot on his forehead? lol, kidding..

shermianz said...

is he juz any random australian? so many ppl take foto with him, he must be very shocked.

Anonymous said...

you saw jackie chan?? SUPER COOL!!

Anonymous said...

relink me @ http://heroinhersky.blogspot.com/

REYNA*爱♥ said...

JACKIE CHAN siah~!! and that ang moh so xinfu ar. so many char bo take pic with him *keke. =DD