Friday, November 30, 2007

  • rin: LOL yay! but when you can go siah.. somebody gonna be a good girl already wor. =p

something really lame..
msn chat with
ronald mcdonald.

gla, fion & beng`s class is doing a project on mcdonalds.
and mr pzz who is very free, did something to entertain everyone himself.
so one night, mr ronald mcdonald came online..

here is part of the chat.

ronald mcdonald says:
i had a long day today
Yong Beng - says:
eh too much fast food not good u know
ronald mcdonald says:
i sat on the bench for like 20 hours
Yong Beng - says:
they cause obesity, high blood pressure
how u maintain ur fgure ?
fill this new frame says:
and in THAT position rite
ƒµzz ♫ little bit goes a long way says:
ronald mcdonald says:
` yee says:
ronald mcdonald says:
i go jogging often
ronald mcdonald says:
i believe you should tell that to my management
ronald mcdonald says:
my job is only to sit on the bench everyday
ronald mcdonald says:
you know i always smile
when you see me sitting on the bench
but deep inside
i feel lonely and sad at times
Yong Beng - says:
but u got so many ppl takin photo wif u
ƒµzz ♫ little bit goes a long way says:
ronald mcdonald says:
but most of them are children i prefer sexy girls haha
the chat went on & on,
then somehow ended when ronald went to find his wife. -.-"

and if you still don`t get what is happening...

i just wanna show how free pzz is, appearing in two accounts.

i suddenly see like a wall of sisty & her beau`s photos in my room.

so i was like asking her..
" is this our (me & her) room or your (she & her beau) room? " -.-"

oh, and the wind is super strong today.
my book almost flew away..
and i realised cck changed quite a bit.
i see a whole load of new shops coming up..

i`ve been sleeping in till quite late.
really hope i don`t oversleep tmr..
and i`m just wondering, yet again....


Unknown said...

hey..jz happen t0 see yr m0usie ic0n in yr msn piccie..whr euu d0wnl0ad it?hahhas..s0 cute is it mickey mouse gl0ve?

REYNA*爱♥ said...

ur fren also super bo liao one can!
but funny neh.
see u soon babe!