Monday, December 24, 2007

i know people are getting sick of the tsehwee-&-the-strawberry picture.
just needed time to arrange all the following pictures you are going to see..

to everyone who remembered my birthday:
thank you for the birthday smses..
thank you for the surprises..
thank you for the plans..
thank you for the presents..
thank you for the cakes..
thank you for spending time with me..
thank you for the hugs & kisses..
and thank you for making my 19th a memorable one. (:

and of cos.
i think all my darlings who took time to accompany me,
gets all the thank yous listed above.

pictures time. (:

20th dec.
the eve of my birthday eve.
this day last year was spent with them too!

they surprised me by appearing at my door step.
and we were supposed to be meeting at chinatown.

they tricked me!
by using those relightable candles on my "cake"..
and and and, i`ve got only 18 candles (1+8) !
does that means that i`m still 8teen? =p

here`s the video.

i know i was noisily whining away. LOL`

next up.
went to chinatown to the restaurant i wanted to try.

the food is nice.
but their service is like totally wols.

all we ate & the receipt.
other than the rice being at $1 each, i think the price is pretty reasonable.

for night programme..
we planned to walk to harbourfront but...
we ended up at esplanade because we walked the wrong direction.

did nothing much other than cam-whoring,
and looking at them play PSP and DS lite.

21st dec.

supposed to work morning shift alone.
because rin and heng were afternoon shift that day.
but they came earlier celebrate my birthday!
so sweet rights? (:

had our brunch at t2 canteen.
and they bought me cakes.

and i was kinda forced to eat them after a full full meal.

and these are the presents i received.

although i have got only a few presents, i had alot of fun. (:

and the best part of my birthday,
is of course seeing my beloved lesbies, the daz !

well, and it`s another surprise-me-at-my-door this year.
and they came with alot alot and i mean, ALOT of stuffs.

if you ever notice how much weight they were trying to put on me.
and we were pretty colourful that day. (:

had a simple dinner at west mall.

and then back to my house to slack.

changed to the secondary school clothes as suggested by me!
reminiscence. (:

band tees & house tees.

couple of random shots.

posing with the xmas present from raisa.

call it a daz necklace, following after our daz ring. (:

22nd dec.
happy birthday to me!

was supposed to countdown to my birthday.
but well, we just slacked ard and it turned 12am unknowingly.
thats when all the birthday smses come crawling in.
and thats when i posted the entry that stayed for days. ((:

then we started the party hats craze!

sisty joined in as well.....

and still not enough....

oh, nonono..
the emphasis wasnt on ting`s boobies. =p

and the last programme before we went to sleep at 4plus.

nada sou sou didn`t turn out to be a crying movie.
not even one i`d say GOOD.
kinda disappointing.
we should have just played monopoly or something. ):

woke up in the morning (like duhh..)
and we cut the cake my lovelies bought before dardy & mommy went out.

sisty had to go to work.
so we took a picture earlier.

and no, i can`t blow the candles from too far away.
and yes, i know it`s a disgrace to the band tee i am wearing. =X

i do love all my presents.
but can i say i love all these the most?

my dearest raisa ng shi ying is the sweetest girl on earth!
18 little stuffs plus the balloon make up the best birthday gift.
i cried reading that card.
yee tse hwee loves you too. <3

spent the rest of the day until evening sitting around with ting & jul.
watched videos & shared photoshop experiences.

had another simple dinner with dardy & mommy.

and the last hour of my birthday...
spent it with the gang in west mall`s movie theatre.

been long since i had nice seats watching a nice movie.
thank you brother for buying the tickets earlier! (:

23rd dec.
not that it is still my birthday...
but still, i had people celebrating it for me! smiles*

wanted to donate blood as part of my birthday wish.
but i got rejected again!
this time it was because my blood pressure was too low. ):

had the youth group xmas retreat at the jade.
like what jo said, we just went there to eat & exchange gifts.

birthday song, xmas song & gift exchange.

there should have been a better way to arrange this whole entry.
but i`m really REALLY tired already.
so shall post it as it is now.

if only all my birthday wishes can come true.
because one already failed on me. ):


it`s one more day to christmas!
though i don`t really celebrate it..



Anonymous said...

WHOA! lucky girl! ur bday celebration totally rawks eh! so much fun!!!

Anonymous said...

raisa ng shi ying loves yee tse hwee too!

REYNA*爱♥ said...

hiak hiak! where's ur present from us gang? HMM~~~ make your heart itchy itchy =P

Unknown said...

merry xmas...=))

Unknown said...
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