Thursday, January 25, 2007

a super lame presentation.
i was the 2nd last person in class.
so i think towards the end everyone`s tired too.
didnt have to talk much while presenting my kiddy flash. LOL`

class ended @ like 10.15am?
such a waste of time rites?

went lot 1 for lunch.
wanted to watch apocalypto cos yong ming says it`s nice.
but shaw doesnt has it ! -.-"
wanted to watch altered instead.
but the next show is at 2.30pm. YAWNS*

so we sticked to the default plan, KBOX ! (((:
but yan, boon & eugene didnt join us..

oh well.
sang all the way from 1 - 7 pm. (x

^ room 50.

^ for 4.

halfway through..
the system (or whatever it is) broke down.
all the rooms SCREENS were blank. -.-"

^ there.. skipped alot of our songs too..

^ zhiwei was busy SLEEPING.

^ so ym, sin & i took pics! LOL`

^ no, my aiming isnt bad. sin was out of place. =p

^ the bill. $10 for 6 hours. worth it? *nods*

oh yes.
thanks to jo, i can finally say goodbye to my bag.
used it for less than 10 times i guess.
and it`s been left collecting dust in my room since then.. =p

^ a pic of it when i just bought it. =p

i wanna watch apocalypto ..... ):