first thing i did after i left house today..
opened the letterbox & dig for my ATTACHMENT LETTER.
totally SIAN after seeing it..
^ got a 5.5 days week! and working hours is like.. SUCKS.
i whined whole day about my $500!
gonna miss working @ roma`s for 10 weeks..
( 8 for attachment, 2 for exam)
which means 10 saturdays, with $50 each day..
my $ 5 0 0 . )):
most people got 5 days & 9am - 5pm.
unlike mine..
govt is such a bully!! xP
our LAST LECTURE together today..
all the emo parts are described by gladys in her recent 2 entries.
go see go see .. CLICK HERE! =p
we braved the rain & walked up to LT45 for the last time this sem!
^ umbrellas behind the LT! =p
^ my dearest 2..
^ memories of our last lecture TOGETHER.
^ erm. too auto-correct-ed.
LAST IEF tutorial was up next.
miss wong wasnt very glad with us.. ):
but still, she was nice & yes, CUTE..
^ TWINS! =p
^ and gla did this for a FEW times. but she only left this for me to blog.
^ i got BIG face..
did abit of PMKT project.
i know my part is VERY NOT done. ):
met up with jerms after that.
watched apocalypto.
ok i wouldnt say it`s nice.
but it isnt THAT bad also lah.
just that the ending part was super -.-"
go watch it if you wanna know. lol`
bumped into jie on the way home.
^ see, i got BIG face. xP
one more presentation on monday.
and it`s the end of lessons with my darlings.. ):
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