Sunday, January 14, 2007

yg was quite fun today.
was playing some games and really laughed till peng.
it`s really super funny looking @ the guys trying to get the tempo.

maybe i laughed too much in the morning.
i feel like crying now. )):
i lost the daz ring. SIGH*
i know jul lost it too.
but i never ever thought i will lose it.
cos other than taking out when drying hands or roll & play with it, it never leaves my finger.

^ as of 13 march `o6. it`s not even one year old! )):

i`m still trying my best to look for it.
but i just cant rmb if i lost or dropped it at home or outside.
the time i realised it`s gone is like.. at my door step?

really hope it comes back to me.
there`re the words TSEHWEE on one side & DAZ on the other.
anyone see it, pls return to me. LOL`

ok. i was crapping.
but, sorry my dearies. ):