it didnt rain much today.
you know why?
bcos tsehwee brought umbrella out. LOL`
okay, i was forced to..
but didnt use at all. -.-"
a sad thing..
my doll doll`s head & body got detached from her hair.

^ so poor thing..
work was darn sucky today.
the place was packed full of people, esp the blacks, towards the end of the day.
okay, i`m not being racist but MOST of the irritating & troublesome ones are them!
not to mention messy & dirty ones too.
for once in i dont know how many times, i scolded fuck for loads of time.
so darn pissed.
was just too tired.
oh well, what do you expect?
when today`s sales is like the BEST i`ve seen in 7 months of working there. ((:

^ this girl is super hyperactive. you can faint listening to her jokes =p
after work, waited for her to style her hair.

^ preparing to go party. LOL`
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