Friday, June 29, 2007

saw my entry on this month`s Seventeen.
was aiming to be the winning letter with my half-bucket english.
apparently, i didn`t win lah.

SAD* i could have gotten myself a free swatch.
but oh well, at least it was published. ((:

rotting at home all day, i did a few meaningful things:
  • CRM, SIS and SOM e-learning
  • episodes 4, 5, 6 and 7 of kinship which i missed
  • ordered two tops from cutie spree =x
  • proposal for IBS solution selling call next week
  • format for LAM group project report
  • introduction slides for WISP presentation on rwanda genocide
maybe some more which i can`t really recall right now.

went th in the evening.
finally get to see the two army boys.
being botak makes their heads look much smaller.
but nopes, no photos yet. =p

and hey.
people reading my blog, dont tell my parents you saw them here pls!
especially my daddy, i dont like him to know i`ve got a blog.
that will do me a great favour! GRINS*

♫ 孤单是一个人的狂欢
狂欢是一群人的孤单 ♫


REYNA*爱♥ said...

oh my tian u ordered the top liao ar?! aiya i also hope to order the long top =(

Anonymous said...

hey ..sorry ah ..
i donno that your parents don like it..sorry..
takke carre..

Anonymous said...

We're BACKed!!!

ziddy said...

jo: hehe. go order!! all different one. =D

mei: no lahhh~ you`re not the only one. so i write in general. but okay lah. nvm one. dont worry! =D

fion: welcome back!! got buy anything for me? =D