Wednesday, June 06, 2007

revamp is not fun.
shall stop here as it is.
super tired.

the peeps are at my place right now.

^ machiam lan shop nahs.

and yups.
the makeover pics as promised..

comments activated.
but i`m getting so irritated bcos i cant change the position!
and the page elements are all messed up by me.

i need a break.


REYNA*爱♥ said...

so CHIO! argh~ can't wait to go for a make-over too! :D

Anonymous said...

ohh ..you look so damm pretty..hmm ..i also like your blog ..it is so pretty and nice. hmm ..your friends are also very pretty ..=]

Unknown said...

wow..euu ppl's makeover is so cool n prettaye..nice..<3..

Anonymous said...

hey. can u tell me where u took the pics? u look gorgeous. (:

ziddy said...

jo: u can go mah! go with hsuan before he go NS la.. =p

mei & keaiigal: thanks. lol` it's makeover ma. if not nice then waste money liao.. hehe

helen: lings photo studio. it`s at Hoot Kiam Road. ((: