Thursday, July 26, 2007

random chat with lao peng you brother last night.
some things he say makes me wanna LMAO. =x

MQE presentation is over!
i`m so glad i urge them to go first.
so we didnt have to wait till next week.
one more non-graded reflection & we`re done with all IS modules! ((:

the comments mr chan gave was rather funny lah.
he said i smiled alot which i really don`t rmb doing.
and he said i touched my hair 5-6 times.. -.-"
like THANKS, i really thought i stood still.
needa master that "dont-touch-hair-while-presenting" technique.

oh well.
early dismissal & went over library to check out on my IP.
i thought my english was really bad already.
but the english in some of the SOM part was atrocious!

well, then zhiwei skipped his lesson & came to edit them. ((:

and i went off for my driving.

can you imagine?
it`s my 10th lesson & i still stall the engine!
not something to be proud of actually..
okay, i shall try not to on my next lesson. (x

my instructor for the day was funny.
he spoke alot but i learnt alot from him too.
first time going to teck whye; rather scary i should say..

and i cant believe we didnt take any photos with them today. ):
all 3 of them were dressed in vest & i was the odd one.
still, why didnt i suggest a camwhore session?
what a nice thing to be celebrating about you know...

in spite of me
you made me feel invited..
nobody else
that is what I decided.


Unknown said...

ohya ahh. nv take photos!
u slope dun stall,
u no need learn le.

ziddy said...

YAH LAH~ lets wear the same next week & take. HAHA` and no leh. i didnt stall at slope only. =X

Anonymous said...

are u referring to me, little miss cutey?