Friday, July 27, 2007

before i start on my daily dose of crap..
i know it`s hard to track backwards on my blog so,
regarding a comment from 2 entries back.
who is aeolus? =\

oh yah.
i missed this out.
my completed "artifact".

lousy command of english but who cares..

driving this morning.
had my virgin drive to cck & panjang via the newly opened road.
then went up to jurong.
totally fun..
stalled the engine ONCE because i engaged the wrong gear. )x

met up with gladys after that.
CONGRATS & thanks for not disappointing me. (x

oh we took like an hour to reach school..
and here`s our classic story.
  • we took 985 from BBDC at around 10am
  • looked like too early for class, was planning for my yogurt ice cream
  • didn`t know 985 doesn`t stop at the anak bukit bus stop
    (actually, gladys should know bcos she made the same mistake with fion before) =x
  • so went all the way up PIE
  • missed a few more stops
  • ended up at around whitley road, nearing toa payoh
  • started pouring while crossing the overhead bridge
  • waited super long for 154 on the opposite bus stop
  • reached class at 11.10am (late)
long journey eh?
i was laughing & extremely chatty throughout.
gosh, even daddy find me very talkative lately. LOL

alright, nice traveling around with you though, wu. (x

denny had 2 hamsters as his advanced birthday present.
two big fat white ones that look like him!!

and yes, they`re going to trust him with them. =\

finally settled my cravings for yogurt ice-cream since wednesday.

shuh huey insist they look like shit.
but we cant deny they`re tasty! (:

wasn`t very well-blended though.

the main reason to be happy today:

hui leng was totally the GOD of my group.

next up, LAM by wednesday.
and that marks the end of project days & JULY. (:

had my evening nap as soon as i reached home.
darn funny.
i dreamt about the above integrated project.
we were still doing all the SIS, SOM, CRM parts. -.-"

but some things baby, are not worth hiding..
and we can find heaven if we go look together.


Anonymous said...

eh~~ i ws only joking when i said i need to go back many days post to find my last comments eh~ xD

and i want my *present*!!
LOL..free one yr supply of oill free cleanser!! =/

kk..one day when i got time den invite.. lol~~
but, why must *smuggle* leh??
hmm..i cannot think of why

ziddy said...

HAHA but i think the comments thing is troublesome too ma. =x

hmm you wait okay. i think no such free gift. =p

smuggle cos.. i also dont know? lol` actually all polys are open hor? LOL

Anonymous said...

hello, i am jus a passerby. happen to saw ur blog. wanna ask u where the yogurt ice-cream shop is? it looked so yummicious!! *drooling*