Sunday, August 19, 2007

a rare title okay.
normally it`s " 1 down, 4 to go ! " ..
meaning, it`s the first time we got so little papers !! (x

i spent 80 minutes vomiting the things i memorized (as usual).
and i`m glad i could !
hopefully the next two paper can be as optimistic.

the sky wasn`t very kind to me though.
the rain was so heavy i couldn`t get over to work DRY.

and i felt quite dumb.
i bought an umbrella for $25.90 ! (half day`s pay -.-")
but nvm, i love the colour.
picture of it some other day..

reached like kinda early so....

after that, i wore auntie`s left over shoes.
super LOL i tell you.
but they`re really comfortable.. =p

working with my babes.
and then without boss.
and then a packed roma`s.
with loads of vulgarities from me..
wasn`t that nice at all.
but sales was quite good today.
so yea, worth all the hard work. (:

and i met the kind man.
if only all my spree organizers are so nice like him.
free delivery of item to my workplace..
i think he should go organize sprees man..
i`ll definitely patronize his site. (:

i`m getting so long-winded.

here, a forwarded message from mommy:

cute lah.
she had a long long talk with me yesterday.

oh last but not least.
detoxification session with mike at west mall.
and i didn`t get stucked at level 2 please..

no songs going through my head now..
only lots of words from people around.
and i just wanna haha through my night.

SIS and SOM !
tmr tmr, i`ll start.
i promise. (:


Unknown said...

go girl!! =D

REYNA*爱♥ said...

me LOVE u!

Anonymous said...

yea yea!! go go go!

ziddy said...

haha GOGOGO too !
tse hwee <3s you all. (: