Monday, August 20, 2007

back to basics.

black & white is still my favourite. (:

gotta find some time & mood to change blogskin too.

i always look forward to mondays.
then i`ll go youtube and search the latest episode of 换换爱.
then immerse myself in a fairytale love story.

been damn long since i last watched soccer..
but he is still my love..

my shuai ge ..

^ saw him on the newspaper? =p

drifted a little away from facing the books,
i painted my nails.

^ or rather, my house only has got polish of shades of red.

everybody tend to see things differently..
but you`ll come to realise that it is still the same sky afterall.

broaden your views; forming restrictions is being cruel to yourself.

couple of days more to freedom!
and then probably a week more after that to being a jailbird again.

stage 4.o1 .
after being stucked in the circuit for 2 weeks,
i finally get to go out to the road again !
so much fun, but suddenly, not quite used to it.
i almost rolled back and hit a car.
i hate slopes !

sinful snacking..

^ but i love it. (x

thanks for the care and concern from everyone.
the SMSes, calls or MSN messages..
i`m really alright..
(pretty obvious actually eh?)

now, back to SOM.
geez, i`m falling asleep. ):

my love my fate,
you will fade away..


REYNA*爱♥ said...

HONEY STAR!!! i also want *slurpp!

Anonymous said...

Hey long time no see tse hwee!
Just randomly browsing and saw ur blog.
I feel the pain too..
But always rmb tt you have a really supportive family n superb friends out ard u. That is really hard to come by u know?
Yes by all means cry it all out.
You will be strong and tide over this. I know you can.
Jia you! :)

ziddy said...

jo: go buy go buy! GRINS

zicheng: yea, been long since i last saw all of you OGLs! thanks a million eh. (x