Monday, August 06, 2007

finally the peeks!
selected a few to blog though.
my hair was really ugly in the pictures. ):

my vest-mate for the day, siti ! (:

my lovely girls & mr tan ah tian. LOL`
sorry, i couldn`t help but have been calling him that changed name. =p

the speakers for my class. smart eh?

peek of that day: my class, complete.
one of them was
photoshopped in.
can you guess who? =p

during the seminar..
while i was awake for the rare rare times,

my class speakers for the two groups..
and zhiwei giving his most innovative service speech.

and wee.
i finished the book.

i don`t know how to choose books.
but i read anything that can keep me interested.
starting a new book soon.. ((:

and yes.
highlight of the day:
date with darling!

thanks to daddy, we watched a "free" movie.

used it on my long-awaited SIMPSONS! (:

decided to catch it at lido because of this..

long wanted to go take a family portrait !
those with the two of us were taken using our phones self-timer. LOL`

ziddy simpsons.
how does that sound? LOL!

and followed by a cam-whoring session.
the selected few...

i love my darling lesby. ((:

off to bugis for a shopping spree after that.
well, but i bought NOTHING !
i`m so proud of myself. LOL`

the DS is all fine now.
time to play, soon? GRINS*

on my must-watch list.

3o august !! (x

♫ 我不哭 我不敢哭,
视线模糊,记忆却会更清楚。 ♫


Unknown said...

so efficient!

ziddy simpson is ok.
zardy simpson is horrid!

help me thank your daddy!!!!!

REYNA*爱♥ said...

wah seh wah seh DS ok le ar. *wuhahaha~ can play with ur sis le YAY!

ziddy said...

raisa: no problems! LOL where got. zardy simpsons is cute. =p

jo: yay~ u both have been really playing eh. =p

Class: UOLFT-BB said...

did zhi wei BS his speech thru?

ziddy said...

lol. got ABIT leh. hahha` he was referring to that "paper" which consist of what he submitted but forgot. lol