Monday, September 17, 2007

i blanked out again today.
the last time i experienced this was sometime last year.
(see entry)

and yes, for that, i really hate being alone.
i was so afraid i`d vomit onto some stranger.
i was so afraid i`d faint & no one bothers to attend to me.
i was so afraid i couldn`t make it to work. LOL`
luckily i found a seat at the very time i almost got blinded by the brightness.

however, compared to the previous experience..
for today,
i really cant think of any reasons.
i had breakfast and i didn`t have lack of blood.
lack of oxygen maybe? HUR.

successfully made it to work in one piece.
only me & hajar today (because everyone else got an off day)..
so i remained in terminal 1 with my favourite CSOs. (:
but most of them were having their OFF days too...

morning counter & lunch with alexis ;
the sweet CSO who is super in love with wang li hong.

afternoon counter with cecilia ;
a CSO who seemed quite fierce at first but was a great teacher.

MRT home with jack
friend of heng who kept asking me to continue the passion for music.

all in all, i had fun today lah.
wasn`t as bad as i expected how working without the others will be.

mummy`s nagging me to see a doctor.
2 more days. (:


REYNA*爱♥ said...

hey babe better go visit a doc alright. very scary lehx can lidat suddenly blanked out. take good care of yourself ok! AIYO~!!

Anonymous said...

eeeeek!!! how can u how can u!?!?!
LOL!! xP *angryangry*
he very handsome hor... :D
hahah~~ oopss..

anyway, just go see a doc alright?
u're forever so weak oO
im also scared for u okayy~~

Class: UOLFT-BB said...

ehh same!
it happened to me while i was on 190.
lucky an auntie saw and gave up her seat. otherwise i sure on the floor.
but i was having lack of blood that time.lols.