Thursday, October 25, 2007

  • zz: lol` no music like very quiet down here leh..
  • jul: hmm. i also dont know eh. i thought it`s like the hot topic now? cos it`s the biggest plane? LOL` that`s the 2nd card i get already. you dont have? and yes, i`m okay. (:


looking at old photos, (inspired by zz)
makes me realise how much i`ve missed..
things, people, and myself !

oh my.
haven`t seen all my darlings for at least a month.
especially my daz lovelies, my tb24 crazies,
and also a couple of my fellow tb23-mates.

now i`m looking forward to november.
when shift starts; i wanna take my off days to visit school.
i miss ngee ann poly. ):

it is self-declared off day today. (:

sisty got her leave.
and i decided to spend time with her.

firstly to pacific plaza for her photoshoot appointment.
she got all her plans of sleeping late & cabbing down.

"camera-shy" & self-obsessed.

she had her photoshoot and i did my brows.
i think thebeautybox studio is a nice place.
can consider going there for makeover some day.
makes me wanna go into uni & graduate so we can take a family portrait! =x

then off to far east plaza to shop.
and went to do our hair at crosshair.
chose the place at random actually, walk-in cos the place was empty & it kinda caught our eyes.

she did her treatment & i had my haircut..
didn`t really see the immediate results because the person went to blow-dry & curl my hair.
but i should think he was good. (:
i always prefer a male hairstylist anyways.

thats my pretty sisty. (:

she paid for all my above-mentioned services.
so i offered to pay for one of her shoes & lunch.
in the end, i think i still spent much lesser than i expected. -.-"

so, lunch was at roma`s as requested by her.
and it was playing the same old fake britney CD just like last tuesday. LOL`

my new but dont-look-very-new hair, the curls were abit off already.

was like not only full, but bloated already.
actually wanted to take neos but unluckily, the shop is closed till tmr. -.-"
so yea, off to bugis street to continue shopping.

all in all,
we only bought 2 shoes each.
and then a green dress (but only enough to be a top for me) which we can share.
far lesser than what i was planning to buy though..

actually wanted to go partyworld or catch a movie.
but time was almost up as we gotta be home by 8pm.
well, enjoyed myself enough already anyways.. (x

retail therapy compensates an empty heart.

having a sister like that fills your life with joy.

i hope you`re getting on real fine & well too.
i can tell you i wish to still be friends,
to talk like how we used to before even getting circled into this r/s thingy.
i know there`s no way for me to ask you to trust me,
but well, it`s all your choice! (:

and it`s friday tmr!
gotta go show face at work again. ):
but, i see weekends awaiting me..

good nights.

i tried too hard, wanted too much,
i guess that's why it's gone..


Class: UOLFT-BB said...

ayeee, i wan some retail therapy toooooooooooooooo. nxt wed's fine with me. but i dun mind shopping this weekend. LOL

RINN said...

awww hunns! *huggs*

REYNA*爱♥ said...

babe!!! i also hope i have such a sista! >.<
anyway~ I LOVE U :P
i took a test and it says! you're the one who show most concern to me HAHAHA
so true eh =P
see u SOON!!!