Wednesday, December 19, 2007

not the christmas hoho, but the happy hoho.
that`s lame i know.. -.-"

didn`t regret waking up at 4am today.
was supposed to work 6am - 2pm.
but kind jane let us off at 11am when the flight at T3 was over!
so here i am, back to my lovely home..
and i`m off till the end of tmr! GRINS*

i`ve got a long break now,
but no company.

took cab with adeline, rin and nurul.
i didn`t know the journey is that fast so yea, we reached damn early.

you can see the time there..
and, i think that`s the most expensive ride i`ve ever took.
luckily we get to claim that although not immediately.

our job was to give this out to the passengers in T3.

a $10 changi voucher. (:

and well.......

if all these were mine, i`ll be changi-rich..

then we feasted at the complimentary food area after that.

i should say, these are just leftovers. LOL`

happily feasting.

and group photo before we left.

aldwin isn`t inside because he is the photographer.

oh and one last thing.
alvin and the chipmunks is a must-catch movie.
totally cute to the extreme. (:

i don`t mind re-watching it if someone wants to sponsor me!
LOL, cos i didn`t see clearly because of the bad seats. ):

pictures with them.

and i totally hearts theodore!
because he is green & he is really cute. =p

♫ 再重来 会有什么精彩?
还有什么值得期待, 已过去的未来 .. ♫

or maybe i should catch some sleep.


shermianz said...

i watched alvin and the chipmunks ytd too! where u caught it hur?

RINN said...

i like simon!! oooh weee! & we shud have taken 1 or maybe 2 of the envelopes.... LOLS!

REYNA*爱♥ said...

wah! i also want watch! @@
and wah piang today johnny mood super bad one =/

LLY said...

Long time never visit your blog liao.

Changi T3 is freaking boring!!!

And what an $$$ taxi ride... =S