Friday, December 21, 2007

  • shermian: at PS! and it was like totally full house! faints*
  • rin: yah! or even 10 or 20? =p
  • jo: hahah` whats up with him? PMS? =x
  • lly: alright lah, T3 is quite pretty in my eyes.. ((:

dasmond is really cool.
remember my previous entry regarding his promise?
he actually sent a book & a card to all who left their address on his blog.
i thought a simple card alone will be troublesome enough.
that`s so thoughtful, i should have asked for one too. =p

with sisty taking econs..
i seem to be more stressed up than her.
gotta read up on notes that are like 2 years old.
but still, cant teach her till she understand. ):

but nvm, i had a sinful treat from her to pay me back.

taken two nights ago.
she was cutting all the chocolates to split among us,
and saving the other two halves for dardy & mommy. =p

it was 21st anniversary for my house fo tang yesterday.
loads of people came.
and yea, i invited hui leng and shuh huey over too! (:

and a group picture taken my dardy before they left.

sisty`s god-son is super cute.

well, he isn`t smiling.
but he was pretty smiley before that..

also very obedient & quiet.
i don`t even rmb hearing him cry throughout the hours he was here..

dardy happily playing with him.

and couple more pictures for evening & night programme..
but i shall post them together tmr as my birthday post.
stay tuned! =p