Saturday, December 08, 2007

  • rin: read & blogged. yah lah, condemn trendy zone!!
  • gladys: curse the two, i hope there isn`t a third one. lols`

here`s a little dedication from usemore friend on her blog.

adapted from http://thinkrinthinkpink.blogspot.com. (:

i think apart from my family,
she`s the person i see the most, almost everyday.
i don`t even see my boy that much okay..
so yea, i think we share alot of dirty secrets eh?
some day before attachment ends, i`ll dedicate an entry for her too. =p

and here..
random pictures.


not photoshopped.

black & white;

the antique vase.

a long queue & not enough cash = best seats.

and yea, if you know what A means...

but well, i should say..
this is one of the best movies caught this year.
can`t wait for the next sequent.

and, i want a demon too !

taking a normal-looking group photo with this gang is seriously a chore.

not us girls of course...

but yea,

if you can stop beng & zz from all these..

me & dancing partner..

pretty swavorski christmas tree.

seemingly colourless but truely colourful gigantic christmas tree.

angry faces, pretty backdrop.

and wee..
today is off day.
and i`m going to work !
yes, i am THAT desperate for vitamin M.

save me i`m falling again,
keep me from breaking in a million pieces..


Anonymous said...

awww~ so sweet of you!
LOLS! eh, pretty xmas tree! i want! teehees.
golden compass nice huh? im going to watch it too! (:
see ya tmr! gd night!