Thursday, December 06, 2007

  • jo: hahaha where got drama! yay, not moving so soon alr. (:
  • rin: ewww, what a bad pair of bimbos to use! nah, just use rin & ziddy. muahah`
  • huiling & weichun: of cos i miss the food there! but i think you girls miss me more! =x
  • gla: supposingly yes. but the flat my dad interested in is BTO! so yea, not gonna move so soon. teehee~
  • ferlyna: yah lah! but luckily not moving so soon alr. =D

quite pissed with starhub for various reasons.
anw, my plan ended, and i`m not charged at my student price.
my sms usage is actually relatively low compared to many other youngsters.
but still, in my own records, the amount doubled my usual usage.

and unluckily for this month, my 1k free is over!
i`m so gonna pay for it myself. ):

today is so not my day also.
before i start whining on that..
here`s a few random pictures at t3.

a pretty sight soon when it`s open.

but yea, ugly construction site too..

waffle day there when it opens; nice seats over there..

everytime we 3 musketeers meet, i`m always the one being bullied!
i don`t know why miss rin & mr heng likes to laugh at me.. ):

but anyway..
thats when the unluckiest thing happened to me.
i was laughing back at something & my heels gave way....

karma maybe.

and i decided to pluck it out.

but wait !
the other side was really stubborn..

disfigured it yet it was still too strong.
i spent the next half of my day walking like a crippled. -.-"

and my leg hurts like hell now.
gotta invest in another pair of shoes soon.
oh man, already my 3rd pair so far.
i really hope the next can last me till end of attachment.

something not very surprising but still amazing to us.

we saw A380 again!

zz`s new craze.

right, if you refer to the ronald mcdonalds a few entries ago..
you`ll know what to expect. LOL

that`s all folks.


Anonymous said...

HOHO! go see my blog. a little something on you.. LOLS (: anyways, go invest in a better shoe. condemn trend zone.

Class: UOLFT-BB said...

curse mr inverter and ronald!