Wednesday, December 05, 2007

  • melvyn: lol` dont be envious.. because i`m nice, so i got nice instructor. LOL` oh well, i dont believe in giving xmas presents too.. i only believe in receiving them. =p
  • jo: hahah very evil. maybe one day you will see. (: oh yea, but if sg snow then all freeze liaos.
  • shermian: wah, your instructor very law by law lehh.. anw, maybe good in a way too. but hope i can get used to it before my TP lah. if not also die.. lols`
  • rin: i`m turning evil, and you, bimbotic! LOL and we are a pair made in heaven. =p
  • jul: wahah everyone is jealous. =x well, turning evil isn`t good lah. where got life. -.-"

i`m kinda sick of life now.
which i don`t know why.
don`t seem to be in the mood for anything.
but well, at least watching tw dramas still interest me.

so currently catching this two,
on top of all other shows i`m watching..

bull fighting.

gotta wait a week for every episode just like romantic princess.
anyways the last episode of RP will be out next week!
after that will be it started with a kiss 2. (:

ying ye 3 + 1.

all 16 episodes are out for this.
so yea, guess i can finish it real soon..

i`ve been lying a little too much.
probably it`s time for some reflection.
am i not guilty, or have i just got too used to it?

i`ve a new hobby.
it probably won`t last long just like my urge to read books..
well, not exactly new cos it has been coming back over the last few years..
[ i wanna learn drawing ]
or maybe, sketching a good piece will be good enough.
but somehow, interest tends to lose out to talent.

on another note..
i`m quite settled with where i`ve been living in for what-seems-like-forever.
at least for this, i don`t want a change.
please don`t bring me away from here..


REYNA*爱♥ said...

keke! wah drama queen neh u!
i also don't want u go so far away

Anonymous said...

hohoho! yes,bimbotic pair made in heaven. like paris hilton & nicole richie (:
anyhoos, reflection is a must! 2007 ending soon...

Anonymous said...

Hello!! We are in class and decided to come look-look-see-see how you are doing!! Take Care.. =) I am sure you miss canteen 3 vegetarian uncle!! haha. yum-yum. jealous?

Class: UOLFT-BB said...

wad wad? u're gg to move hse??

FeRLyNa said...

aiyo.ask ur papa dun move la.panjang there not veri convenient de lehz.muz take LRT den can get to the MRT station.so not convenient la.