Monday, December 03, 2007

  • rin: hahah yea, we saw alot more "flying" objects! =p
  • ferlyna: ehh. i`m already eating much more than usual! erm, gross mah.. those thick thick stems. so scary lehh..
  • mei: yay, i got a blood donation kaki already. LOL not scary right? let`s go TG on in june. ((:
  • keaiigal: hahah` i`m special! jk. i`m learning already. =p

misread the time for my driving lesson this morning.
supposed to be 9am but i thought it was 10am.
my instructor was so nice to drive to my place & pick me up.
so started at 9.30am & he didn`t charge me extra for the waiting time.

but, just when i thought i finally got used to the car..
he actually told me that it`ll be my last time driving it.
because he is going to change his car..
sigh* do i have to like re-learn everything again?
oh well, will see how i fare in my next lesson on friday..

was surfing around facebook & took a look at the graffiti contest.
the graffitis are damn nice.

this is the winner.

i seriously wonder how these people draw.
take a look here: http://apps.facebook.com/graffitiwall/contest_finalists.php
you gotta press replay and watch how the graffiti actually came to life.

i know it shouldn`t be but..
click-click-clicks has became something more than just a habit.
call it routine?
or probably it has already gotten into & become part of me.
okay, i know i need to stop contradicting myself.

attachment is killing me, slowly.
but to think of it..
it`s just 2 more reports & 2 more months.
HANG ON; i believe it`ll be over real soon.
let`s hope celebrations can make this month pass faster,
counting down to CNY can make the next month more desirable,
and poof, two months will just pass by magically..

i am turning evil.
really, i am....
get me out of here!


Melvyn said...

Why is your instructor so nice one?? Ay.

Anyway yeah, and x'mas is coming too. Firstly I'm not drawing pay alr, and secondly I wouldn't be in the country during your birthday so too bad :P I don't believe in early or belated presents too ;-)

REYNA*爱♥ said...

lol. babe how evil can u get =P
ahh~ x'mas but too bad sg don snow

shermianz said...

ya, ur instructor is very good. i was late for 45mins, den my lesson juz 45mins and i pay for 1 and 1/2hr lesson. boo~

it's not bad tat he change car. u can try driving on different cars unlike me.. 1 car throughout.. next time use my dad's car dunno how to drive. lol

Anonymous said...

u, turning evil? or bimbotic? or both??!! LOLS (:
eh babe. i'll be ur listening ear alrights. *winks* SMILE =D

Anonymous said...

ya ya ya! why so good one!
im jealous! haha.. diff cars good laa..LOL! dun so sad okayy

hmm..evil is good..it means LIVE!
