Monday, December 03, 2007

  • rin: YAH super vintage right. wonder if can sell as antique. hahaha`
  • jo: nah, it`s okay! i`m waiting for your piles of pictures!
  • gla: wah lao. dont talk science with me! erm, or is it not science?
  • jul: oh yah hor! that will be a big BIG problem.. ):
  • mel: hmm hmm. if you are feeling rich, MY BIRTHDAY IS COMING you know? =p

damn sad today.
okay, looking at the time now, i should say: yesterday.

went TH with amelia for my long-awaited blood donation day!
everything went well - filling up forms, medical checkup...
then reached the blood test station..
like the ex-ex time i went, my iron level is too low.
so i`m rejected. ):
guess i need to eat more green veggies, fruits & beans (as advised)..

so yea, i had them for lunch!
or rather, "linner". (:

i tried my bestest best but....

i gave up those really gross greenies.

roving with usemore friend..
we found a nice place to look @ planes.

and i got one in my hands. (:

wheelock is pretty!
but BORDERS doesn`t have what i want. ):

i had a free lemon juice for dinner.
haha, i want an apple martini next.
weng fai: *hint hint* =p

and yay!
19 more days!


Anonymous said...

LOLS. too skinny liao, that's why rejected. they dont wanna be responsible if u faint. (:
and, things that can fly at the airport, not all are aeroplanes.

FeRLyNa said...

ahh ahhh.kana rejected.see la.ask u eat more veggies u dunwan.why gross greenies.u love green wat..

Anonymous said...

never mind ..
next time we go blood donation again ! haha..meanwhile, you should eat more veggies..haha=D

Unknown said...

funny..eur a vegetarian but euu dun eat s0me veggies..tsktsk..