Wednesday, January 02, 2008

  • mingkai: all the best to you too! (:
  • rin: yes you can. and no, kns is not vulgar! =p

here`s a brief update with a couple of photos of what we did at beng`s..

we cam-whored a little..

we xbox-ed with only one game called

we counted down silently hearing fireworks but couldn`t see them....

we played twister & got twisted.....

we cooked yummy mushroomy spaghetti for supper......

we slurped it down & the boys washed up.......

then, we bluff-ed, we drank, we slacked & we slept........

had breakfast the next morning at 888,
and home sweet home.

very brief right?
i promised. =p

and then lijuan`s wedding dinner at night.
waiting for more pictures but meanwhile...

that`s the only nice shot i caught.
pretty couple sweet as sugar.. (:

one last thing..
i find this song addictive..

♫ 來不及 回頭 檢查舊的傷口
如果找藉口 想太多 沒結果 哭也沒用 ♫


Unknown said...

lol. nice. brief damn fast blog finish rite! but u exception cos u still needa ps the pics. hahaha