Tuesday, January 01, 2008

HAPPY 2oo8 !

this eve was spent at beng`s house.
with the same people as christmas, plus dancing partner! (:
i do have photos & videos to update but not now..
i`m too shagged to do it already.

just had my driving lesson in circuit.
and i realise how much i used to love those lessons in BBDC.
but, not now anymore.

out of that topic that makes me frown..

i`ve got 2 more resolutions for 2oo8!
  1. no more vulgarities (suggested by mw)
    at least lesser.. but i haven`t define what are vulgarities. currently, KNS is not okays. anything more vulgar than that, please hit my head if they come out from me. (:
  2. drink lesser alcohol
    it`s damn childish to like feeling high. at least, not alone lah. and the hangover effect really sucks. please do stop me if i want to drink! (:

time to catch some sleep before attending lijuan`s wedding dinner later.
probably won`t have time to blog that soon..
but being so typical me, i will surely dig out some to do so.
till then, take care everyone!


mk said...

hey.. happy new year! all da best in 2008=>

RINN said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR usemore friend!
& YEYS! i can hit ur head right? LOLS. and kns is vulgar. shit is not. (: