Monday, December 31, 2007

and the time of the year is here again!
been typing really long end-of-year entries and doing reflections for the years.
but for this year, i don`t seem to have much to write.

probably cos there hasn`t been any major changes going on..
just experiencing some feelings that i haven`t had for far too long,
people walking in and out of my life,
some leaving marks and some leaving scars..

at times, you`ll come to see who your real friends are,
maybe at the same time realising who to, and who not to trust..
still, i`m glad to have them around,
everyone who have contributed to making my year full of ups & downs..

2oo8 is going to be something new.
because that`s the year i`ll be graduating from polytechnic.
like finally, after 3 years of suffering..
yet on the contrary, i wished time didn`t pass this fast.

haven`t got any resolutions for 2oo6.
none for 2oo7 too.

as for 2oo8..
i guess i just wish to find out what i want in life.
enough of living so aimlessly.
because it`s the last year of being a teenager! (:

sometimes, you may just want to try your best,
even if you`ll get nothing in return.
because it wouldn`t really matter, will it?
but when the time is up, probably hanging on is the last thing you want to do..

i hope everyone is going to enjoy this day like how i`m going to..
bid farewell to 2oo7 & welcome 2oo8 in less than 12 hours` time!