Sunday, December 30, 2007

i finally am sick.
my head & throat still hurts although i`m not as feverish already.
was 38.9 °C last night before i slept.
but it dropped to 38.1 °C this morning.

not that i like being sick lah..
just that, i think it`s abnormal to not fall sick for too long.
cos, the last time i remembered being this sick was like in sec 3..
the super high fever after getting strangled by yi cheng in class,
and then exposing to the aircon in band room. LOL`

guess i`m just a little overworked.
haven`t been having enough rest recently.
and i know dardy and mommy ain`t very happy with me..
because i keep going to roma`s every now and then.
maybe i should just stop the part-time thingy for now. lols`

oh yes.
collection of vests.

well, if you cant imagine how it`ll look on us..
see below...

don`t it just sucks?

everyone was laughing at us please..
it`s just like another month till end of attachment....
i don`t get why the vests have to arrive now. ):

oh well.
went roma`s after that to work.
met beng and zz at suntec before that.
was already feeling damn nwah like i got drunk or something. lols`

luckily it was quite peaceful for a few hours before it got busy.
so, i earned some rest at the counter to survive until closing..

we closed an hour earlier again..
but it made no difference because beng and zz came damn late!
alrights, but i`m quite thankful that they came over though..
cos i`ve got zz to accompany me on the train home. ((:

should have listened to their advice & rest...
but i was so tempted to catch a movie despite being pretty dead..

so yea,
i sacrifice my sleep time to watch that with the gang.

there were some scenes which were quite gross..
and some, a little exciting.
other than that, i think the movie was pretty boring.
maybe cos i wasn`t concentrating much..

got home before 1am and went to bed straight away.
i had 3 layers of blanket and still feeling cold.
and i had nightmares the whole night.
maybe that`s why i woke up damn early this morning.

mobtv time.
there`s alot of catch up. (:


Anonymous said...

i'm sick too!


REYNA*爱♥ said...

see i told u got fever liao!
have a speedy recovery alright!