Friday, December 28, 2007

driving was horrendous.
i`m seriously in no mood to continue but i`ve got no choice.
still can`t imagine myself taking TP again in 2 weeks` time.

work was hectic.
only earning a pathetic $20, it`s kinda not worth it.
well, closing the counter like an hour earlier didn`t help much.
almost everything was sold out & had to reject customers who were coming in.
i hope tmr evening will be more peaceful.

and my off day was spent like that.
morning shift again tmr.
was told that the kiddy-looking red vests have arrived.
not supposed to be something good though.
shall see how it goes.

here`s a picture from yesterday.

that`s how i pin my hair up nowadays.
and yes, i do know i got really high forehead.
but i rather look like that than letting the stupid-looking fringe down.

i really should go to bed now.
because mommy forbade me from using the computer.
not that i have been a bad girl, just that she said i have been working too hard.
and she insists that i should sleep more.
so yup, good night! (: