Thursday, December 27, 2007

just had my cut & treatment while sisty did her colours.
my bill totaled up to almost the same as hers,
but i freaking hate my hair right now!
the treatment was fine, but not the cut.
it`s like not only SHORT, but super THICK too.

on the contrary, sisty is loving her hair so much..
and she kept singing this i-love-my-hair song that i feel like slapping her..
LOL okay, i was joking about the slapping part.

alright it`s okay..
because i know my hair will grow..
yes, it will.
at least after 123456789 days later, it will be longer.
even if it doesn`t, it still will.
and it really will.
i trust it.
i do believe it will.
maybe when i wake up next morning it will be different.
don`t you agree it will?
yes, please say it will with me.
or just pray with me?
it will right?


this is getting irritating, aint it?
LOL` fine, i`ll accept that it won`t.

it`s kinda hard to find pictures to blog already.
so i have to add a little more craps.
and i`m trying hard not to cry when i type this..

off to work soon.
ciaos. (:


Anonymous said...

& yes, it WILL! see, im so nice right, pray with ya. HAHAS. okayys, im so going to have nightmares later... whine whine whine. BAH!