Thursday, December 27, 2007

  • zz: hahah it takes alot of thinking & psychology skills. =p
  • rin: yah man, damn long please. see ya LATERS! ((:
  • beng: no loh, not perfect at all. only see heads...

had a change of background & colours.
call it narcissism or whatever, i don`t care.
maybe when the mood strikes, i`ll change again.
nothing really complicated or fancy anyways. LOL`

Good days are to be gathered like grapes, to be trodden and bottled into wine and kept for age to sip at ease beside the fire. If the traveler has vintaged well, he need trouble to wander no longer; the ruby moments glow in his glass at will.

i realised something when i let down my hair against my black polo tee.
it has became really brittle.
having split ends on almost every single strand,
and if you give it a simple pull, the strand will just break.
seriously, it`s kinda depressing when i look at it.

although i very much want to watch it grow longer,
although i very much wish to only go to the salon when it`s longer,
although i very much want to......

i`m going to cut it tomorrow later.
i don`t really have a choice, do i?

i wonder if it is that i slept too much,
or that the staying up habit is affecting me..
it`s way past 2am but i don`t feel like sleeping at all.
in fact, it feels like it`s only 11pm.

and shit,
i`m starting to miss somebody.
honestly, i really hate this feeling.

probably i should just go to sleep & stop thinking about anything.
good night.