Sunday, July 22, 2007

caught invisible target after work with a few of the guys.

it was really action-packed & rather touching at the end.

nicholas tse & shawn yue were darn gorgeous!!! drools*
and for the first time i think jaycee chan`s hot too. LOL`

oh well.
but i think the movie would be better if it was in cantonese.
that`s the problem with singapore.
i dont understand why they cant screen HK movies in their original sounds.

been catching late night movies like every saturday.
making me feel super restless on sundays, like now.. -.-"

it`s gonna be like the BUSIEST week starting tmr.
other than projects, reports, presentations..
there`s driving, there`s work..
and there`s also religious classes & responsibilities.

but it`s okay.
it`ll will be over soon. ((:

daddy`s so nice.
i said i needed a broken watch for my project.

and so he went hammering this old watch,
so hard that the glass literally got smashed into pieces.

i tried my best to salvage.
my final product shall be a nice one. ((:

and i just got a little tired.
maybe it`s time i take a break;
stop all the silly things i find myself doing.

REPORT time!
*waves goodbye*

fairy tales don't always have a happy ending, do they?
and I forseek the dark ahead if i stay.. ♫


REYNA*爱♥ said...

aww ur daddy super nice la :D
that watch not ex mehx? with those gold should be rather ex ba? =/

ziddy said...

yah loh. i abit xin tong also. i think quite ex one. but too bad, smashed liao. ):