Friday, November 02, 2007

  • mel: hahah! ehh not NEAR okay, it`s AT. dont be jealous. =p
  • jul: okays! i shall *support* too.. HMM, i got OFF next tuesday!!
  • ferlyna: hahah! i nv think too much ah. for that case while i`m driving, it`s not that him anyways. but well, not so fast lah. enjoy single life. TEEHEE. =p
  • mei: yea, cos it`s that cck de tz mah. aiyoh dont work too hard, sleep earlier! (:


how could you be so...
okays, probably i asked for it.

my lappy has been especially laggy these two days.
i`ve got no idea why.. ):

the first day of shift work was B-O-R-I-N-G please.
time passed so slow.
but well, at least the sleepiness level was low.

i spent my morning watching mobtv.
maggi & me is back !
i love that show man, it makes me ROFL.. (x

and there was this quote from patricia mok,
when she fined adrian pang for parking without a coupon & he`s on the car.
if you are not moving, that means you are not driving;
if you are not driving, that means you are parking;
if you are parking and there`s no parking coupon, that means you get fined..
not happy? talk to my supervisor!

spending time from 3 - 11pm.
went sunflower garden.

do they bright up your life, too? (:

and saw A380 randomly..

it flew to sydney again at 8.30pm.

the events area..

i wanna take part too.. ):

my most sinful snack of the day.

just before my dinner.

evening view of the control tower..

so pretty.

at last, night view of cactus garden.

there was NO stars at all. )x

we spent some time at bamboo garden too.
and for like 1 hour plus, i was talking non-stop.
trying to recall lame jokes & questions to entertain rin and keagan.
like please, i tried so hard i even called home to ask for more!
LOL okays, the talkative nature is back.

i is like so super high today...
and i laughed abit TOO much.
will that cause nightmares? ):

the only thing bad about afternoon shift is getting home real late.
like now, waiting for my hair to dry, & the food to be digested.
ate a whole load of crap upon reaching home because my stummy feels empty.

and i`m getting myself hooked to facebook again.
i realised singapore is really small man.
seeing how friends of friends link to friends....
it`s so proven by friendster and facebook. ((:

and wee!
it`s OFF day tmr.

i saw blue shades on imeem.
and i suddenly miss the old band days,
when we used to practice real hard for SYF..

the competition piece that earned us a gold. ((:

i just wanna fall and lose myself,
laughing so hard it hurts like hell..
forget about everything and run away, yeah~


shermianz said...


cousie, here's a link. u can't eat maltesers anymore..

Anonymous said...

haha! i was a bit shocked when i hear this song..and at this point of time..ur window is the only one opened! O.O

haha! cool man! reminisce~~!! xD

and i duno how facebook works!! >.<

and YESH! pls meet up next tuesday?!?!?!?! I'M MISSING YOU DEARIES LOADS XD

Unknown said...

hmm..ii am curi0us where is sunfl0wer garden?my frd t00k pic thr but dun hab a chance t0 ask her...whr in airp0rt is it?