Thursday, November 22, 2007

  • fion: me miss you too. and you are not fat, it`s the angle.. LOL sorry.. =p
  • jo: you dont pissed too! want box ppl can come box me. ((:
  • zz: kns sia. easy for you only. xP
  • ferlyna: cannot lah you so young only! faints*
  • rin: i think i`ll prefer stroller leh. looks more comfy, still got seat belt. LOL and stop laughing at meeeee... ):

whats up with taking the initiative?
afraid of getting hurt, or that things won`t turn out the way you wish?
cold wars; i`ve seen too much.
be it in a relationship, a friendship, or even in a family..
for this stupid fear, that is so not worth it..

seriously, i`m starting to find this beautiful.
although the uniform of the promoters still suck. =x
a nice collectible item actually..

bring it to the dancefloor? (:

somewhere me & usemore friend is starting to frequent,

and get our meals from..

AMK hub with mike and david.
somehow or rather, everybody else couldn`t make it..

caught the movie i`ve been waiting for weeks.

it was pretty funny.
and super fairytale.

but the character i love most is....

seriously, very animated & cute ! (x

and i saw frosty..

erm, a normal snowman ornament actually. =p

floating sticker on my kitchen door.

and the most kns thing today...

but the best thing today...

at least some motivation to work tmr !
alrights, time to sleep. (:


Anonymous said...

i feel so sorry that i last minutes cannot make it..=(
i wanted to watch that show too .but my presentation end at 5+ . i am so sorry ..oh well, we should catch another movie soon yeah ! .you want to watch hero ?
take care and cheer =D

REYNA*爱♥ said...

ah! i die also won't BOX you!
i wanted to catch that movie also!
but too bad i'm sick and anyway sch end at 6pm so can't watch T.T

Anonymous said...

can i know what is usemore? ;x

RINN said...
