Friday, November 23, 2007

  • mei: nah, not your fault. i should be sorry for rushing to watch it.. haha no problems, there are new movies every week, sure will find something to watch. hero is fine with me too! =D
  • jo: haha why? i`m a good boxing bag you know.. HEE* okay lah. you can watch with your aiai when he is out. =p
  • anonymous: hmm, it`s the opposite of useless. ((:
  • rin: HAHA relinked. you ah, see money.. tmr gone already.. tsktsk.

having the right people at the wrong time, is still wrong..

saw this on the newspaper.
it`s like way too good please..

if only it has per-second-billing like starhub,
i`ll switch. =p

finally, i completed my interim report!
spent like hours crapping it. LOL

had my driving just now.
i seriously wonder how private candidates practice their circuits.
i did S-course in a stupid carpark.
without any kerbs, i find it so hard to imagine the road.

and before i end this entry,
here`s a song from the 9pm show.



Anonymous said...

lol...i nv pract s-course and crank course outside before leh! cool~~ how was it like?
hahaha! must be stupid..
like have to imagine *think think think* hahah!