Saturday, November 24, 2007

  • jul: yah man. it`s super stupid! i totally can`t visualise. ):

ohh i`m starting to fall in love with ah tian..
he`s really like the best lecturer around please.

a stolen shot of him,

while he was talking to his "all-time-fav" student. =p

saw my dear friends off.
they`re going HK for service trip.
and ocean`s park is in the itinerary!
i wanna go i wanna go i wanna go..
*continues whining*

oh well.
attachment was my choice. ):

shuh huey and wei chun with me & usemore friend.

the guys came along too see zw off too..

before boarding the plane..
everyone was busy using the free phone.


over to T3 for the open house.
i seriously haven`t gone there at all since it started.

credits to enqing.

treated the guys to a meal at roma`s.

it`s so pretty decorated now!
well, we`ve got a creative boss. (:
and shaw tower changed so much as well!

then walked over to suntec.
spent our time at the arcade before catching a movie.

actually i`ve a couple of videos with regards to the above pictures.
but nah, too lazy to upload them. LOL

and then my free movie..

i actually fell asleep during the first part of the show.
too sleepy probably.
or maybe cos i didn`t understand the show & it was kinda boring. =p

i think all of us walked pretty long distances today.
my legs hurt, the muscle-aches haven`t recover too. ):

and i realise i`ve got a new hobby:
looking at toddlers & little children.
somehow, seeing their innocent faces makes me smile.
and at times, i feel like an idiot smiling to myself. -.-"

work work work..
monday please come soon...