Sunday, November 25, 2007

should have just gotten myself a hard disk with the guys ytd.
regret not getting one.
my lappy is like so lag now, i`m afraid it`ll die on me anytime.
then all my songs, videos & photos will perish together with it.
i don`t want !

terminal 3 is really pretty!
and not to mention, HUGE..
realised i didn`t walk much of it ytd.

usemore friend & i had a walkabout there with permission from salas.
from B2 to L3, a couple of shops are in operation already..
kinda like a mini shopping mall.
there`re a handful of cafes & there`s also candy empire..
oh and most shops are having opening sales!

but i didn`t take any photos over there.
well, not very convenient in uniform & pass..



and my prettily-bitten apple.

roved in t2 after dinner.

the santa`s village is much prettier & larger compared to t1.

it`s off day tmr. (:
and i can hear my bed calling for me alr..