Monday, November 26, 2007

yesterday is a cancelled check.
tomorrow is a promissory note.
today is cash in hand; spend it wisely..

when both sisters are having their off days.

they try to spend time together. (:

wanted to visit granny at aunt`s house..
but it was raining damn heavily when we reached the bus stop.
and both of us didn`t bring our umbrellas..
so, proceeded to our next program of the day.

wanted to go south bridge road to search for the new restaurant.
but it was too far and we were lazy..
and sisty was craving for some food near her ex-workplace.
so, bus-ed down from the bus stop we were stuck at, for lunch.

wanted to take picture of the yummy lunch we had.
but we were too hungry.
and i started digging in as soon as the food reach me..
so, there isn`t any photos of them! HAHA`

headed to partyworld as planned.
it`s been so long since i last went to one..
more than 2 months ago i think..

one good thing about having only 2 in a room..

we`ve got a plate of fruits each.. =p

our round of warm-up songs.

crazily jolin. -.-"

in the midst of singing...

that packet of seaweed was actually meant for granny..

the nerdy girl.

and the power of my self-timer.

got a couple of videos.
but i`m too lazy to upload them.
maybe sisty will, i don`t know.

and a last picture in the yucky toilet before i went home.

and yes,
i know we don`t look alike in any way..

spent an hour in the library, but i couldn`t find what i want!
maybe west mall one is too lousy, should try other branches.
anyways, the system stated that my book is ready for collection..
but the letter hasn`t been sent to me. ):

morning shift tmr.
totally don`t feel like working!
but well, at least i`ll get to go MFB after that..
skipped 2 lessons already i think.
my 100% attendance is gone. ):


REYNA*爱♥ said...

so gd! me also wan have a sister