Tuesday, November 27, 2007

  • jo: hahah you can call her jie jie too if you want. =p

tuesday, tuesday.
waffle day, gelare day. (:

had waffles with usemore friend..
this time, with ice cream!
decided that i should pamper myself just a little..

my vanilla bean & her swiss chocolate caramel.

and yay.
my book is here!

i shall find some time to start reading it.

went to trim my brows just now.
and i actually got convinced by the person to buy some products,
which i`ve got totally no idea what they are.. LOL

so sinful please.. ):

thanks kok for changing shift with me.
i`m meeting my lovelies tmr again!


REYNA*爱♥ said...

HAHA! cannot =X
you know you know... if i call then maybe ahhh someone you know LOL!