Tuesday, November 20, 2007

have you ever thought about this..
who exactly can you really trust?
if you really need to gossip, please talk to the right person.
at times, it`s the passing of message that get things spread around..

i finished up my TVB show this morning!
because somebody called at 8am assuming i missed call him. -.-"
and i couldn`t get back to sleep after that.

went to school in the afternoon to rot.
helped out a little for their red camp which will start tmr.
all the packing of goody bags and stuff for the kids..

and gladys went a little high..

made our way to the sports hall for napfa after that.
you could say i crashed it, cos i didn`t sign up beforehand.
luckily they still allowed me to take..

the results weren`t good at all.
very disappointing, to be exact..

i can continue to whine
& blame endlessly on that dumbass facilitator who took our scores.
but i`ll just skip that part because it`s not going to help in any way.

my hopes for gold crashed after standing board jump.
i still hate that dumbass guy for this..
then i think silver crashed too, after my 2.4km run.
but i`ve only got myself to blame for that. LOL
and i realise how much the requirements differ from when we were 3 years younger...

results will be out in 2 days` time.
should be somewhat expecting a bronze already.
but well, at least i didn`t fail & it`s all over. (:

some pictures taken after the torturing period.
i know we all look super unglam..

the friends i miss miss miss alot ! (:

hui leng and wei chun !

amazing colour combi..

but i think we could do with a better shot. ):

the reds: comical & eat-seaweed..

in the toilet. (:

seriously i`m like totally nwahed now.
my legs ain`t very obedient & seem to just keep giving way.
that`s the consequences of the lack of exercise.. ):

oh yes..
here`s a picture of my cute dancing partner blowing balloon.

teehee (:

last but not least, before i pen off,
there`re three things i wanna whine about...

  1. my weight now is so not desirable!
  2. 6 more days & interim report is due!
  3. i haven`t got my pay from CAAS!


Anonymous said...

and my arm looks super fat! haha miss seeing u in school!

REYNA*爱♥ said...

ah! don sad babe.
i'm also bloody pissed off these few days. AHH i wan BOX ppl!

Anonymous said...

gold is easy,haha!

FeRLyNa said...

LOL.i oso veri long nv exercise alreadi.climb stairs oso abit cmi.haha.

RINN said...

& the way u walk, it's very funnie! rest well beb! if not, i'll have to push u around either on the trolley or....wheelchair. LOLS (: