Saturday, December 15, 2007

  • gla: hahaha! anw, nvm lah. i`m sure your customers wont read my blog..
  • rin: there, we club & took photo!! =D
  • ame & fion: yah yah! agree! LOL
  • shermian: i think she shld be can bahh. must ask them too.. i haven`t ask my dad. but ahhh.. must SAVE UP lah! i`m so broke now.. ):

first thing at work yesterday.
free chocolates!

complimentary from mihin lanka.

met alexis for dinner.

been long since we saw this babe..
she`s now working at plaza premium lounge..
but probably quitting anytime soon. LOL`

LN @ DXO with usemore friend after work.
free entry, free flow..
so we just wanted to drink abit..

first time feeling so naked in a club.
i meant my face (without make-up) & outfit (so out of place)..

i won`t deny that the drinks really suck.
i don`t even taste a bit of vodka in the vodka housepour.
disappointing but well...
it`s free, so don`t expect too much. (:

wasn`t very lucky.
i got freaking stucked in the lift!
was lucky that the lights & ventilator didn`t go off though.

reached my floor but the door just wouldn`t open.

it opened a little like that & the alarm started sounding..
to that extent that i almost went deaf..

called home to get mommy out to accompany me..

then sisty was happily taking pictures outside. -.-"

called the number provided inside the lift.
but i waited like 20 minutes or so before the guy came to pry the door open for me.

i shall never take the lift again.
serve me right for being lazy.. LOL`


Anonymous said...

teehees (: CONDEMN DXO manz! never ever go therre again! bleahx.
anyhoos, thank god u r alright sia. i tink i'll just cry non stop if i get stuck in the lift..! u think u r alone, think again. HAHA!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

hmm..ii nvr take the lift bef0re jz 0nce in a blue m00n..hahhas..by the way ii tink euu shld knw whr ii stay rite?alth0ugh we stay s0 cl0se yet nvr see euu pass by at all..

REYNA*爱♥ said...

OMG! i also kanna trapped once but i was lucky enough the door open after i violently keep pressing all the buttons non stop!

Anonymous said...

haha yes yes i oso kena once! i used my hands to force open the doors!! then it went back to first floor and went back to the floor i want to go! HAHA and i think ur sister is quite cute to actually take photo outside and u taking the inside view..lol!