Thursday, December 13, 2007

  • rin: hahaha` i guess you`ve already gotten enough nightmares. i will try. =p
  • jo: haha cos glitter background w/o any colour is silver i think. yea loh, i think white nicer too.. ):
  • shermian: ending on the 1st of feb! i wanna go HK!! but TW also can.. nv go xi men ding before.. omg, i so wanna go!! let`s ask permission when we graduate! (x

i`m starting to dread driving lessons.
and this is not a good sign.
my next test is like less than a month away.
but, i`ve got totally no confidence in passing it. ):

met kern seow after my driving yesterday to go work together.
he actually made breakfast for me..
so sweet right?
didn`t know young boys nowadays can be so thoughtful. LOL
i really appreciate it although i already had my breakfast.

work was pretty okay..
the only thing, or rather person, who spoilt my day was that dumbass aunty.
showing me attitude when she was the one in the wrong.
like totally pissed with her.
i know this is mean but i really hope johnny can sack her man..

and there was this guy who asked if he could take a picture with me.
laughs out loud*
why will anyone want to take picture with a stranger?
unless i`m a public figure, but i`m not.. LOL
but ermm.. i would probably agree if we were in a club instead. =x

oh well.
and talking about photos..
the camera on HTC touch really does suck..

point proven?

oh yes,
i know i can never whine enough..
my complexion is like totally KNS now.
i wonder if it`s the products i`m using or because of hormones change..

sisty commented that i`m very vulgar recently.
他妈的 comes out in almost every sentence i speak.
i think i used it more than 4 times a minute while trying to teach her econs last night.
okays, i will TRY to change it..

darlings finished their common tests today!
although that doesn`t concern me in any way,
it still calls for a celebration! (:

yea, this is obviously taken with my HTC touch..

and this is on my k750i.

the aftermath of studying for LAM?

and we went kbox at JE.
been damn long since we went together!

too lazy to caption the pictures so here..

a collage of the time in room 26! (:
try to spot a scandal in one of the pictures. =p

and thank you gladys !
i bought 2 products from her & i`ve got alot of complimentary samples.

no, i`m not NIVEA-siao..
i`m just supporting my NIVEA friends.. (:



Class: UOLFT-BB said...
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Class: UOLFT-BB said...

TSKKK!!!i knew nth good could come out frm that pic.
and sia la.. later other customers complain. LOL

Anonymous said...

LOLS! popular eh! ok, i also want to take pic with u tmr. can? or, must we club then can take photo? HAHA (:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hahah!! ame is good man!

shermianz said...

hahaz. can try asking now den can start planning ler. ask indirectly. =X I think I should be no prob. 1st week of March?(ard 20days after CNY) =X ur sis can take off to go overseas a not? lol. den Candice, Ernest & Ying and Yong? =X