Tuesday, December 11, 2007

  • gladys: of cos i know! i`m not so noob hor. lols` oh yah loh. i think white one is nicer too. ):
  • melvyn: okay what, i think it`s quite pretty.. w910i not nice lah. the shake thingy is abit stupid leh. lols` if you said you got a w960i then i`ll be jealous. =p
  • shermian: i think shld be possible ehh. but must have at least an adult. maybe tang jie fu? lols` i want to go!!

i did the stupidest thing on earth.
accidentally deleted all contacts on my phone.
think i`m going to spend another hour adding them back. -.-"

i think i whined a lot today.
seeing w960i out in stores..
thinking of the white htc touch..
wrapping the phone in a colour wishing it was another..
okays, stop now.

here is it.

probably silver isn`t what i want.
i only like the green parts at the back. ):

6 more months.
i`m going to change the wrapping.
save up first.
the figure in my bank book is really.....

helped out at roma`s for two hours today.
but the extra bit i`m earning don`t really help i guess.

long day tmr.
but i gotta get my things done first before i get to bed.

for now,
that`s all.


Anonymous said...

LOLS. LOVE YOUR PHONE OK! & it's nice. really! stop whining or i'll get nightmares!

REYNA*爱♥ said...

wah your phone is PRETTY! ah! why silver?! maybe white will look nicer with the green design xD

shermianz said...

hahz. when ur attachment ends hur? taiwan or hongkong? or anywhere else? can't wait =X